Imi iubesc noua bicicleta Frascona. Nu pentru culoarea ei, nu pentru lejeritatea in manevrare si nici macar pentru efectul WOOOOW! pe care il producem atunci cand noi doua iesim la cafeaua deja devenita ritual pentru sambata dimineata. Nu. O iubesc pe Frascona pentru felul in care devine “A MEA” atunci cand suntem impreuna. Asadar, when Iulia Albu and Frascona met… kissing my fish and dreaming of rainbows.
I sat a chair and contemplated the true meaning of … EMPTY … It felt sweet and cold. And PERFECT. I drew a line around myself as it circled through each membrain of the walls and then tied all anguish into a sily PERFECT bow.
I had a chat with Frascona and watered my delicios #Patchouli flowers and new shoes. She loved it.
I danced around and hugged Mr. Fish one last time. He felt warm and sour and pink.
And then… to be continued… kiss, kiss, kisses! Flapper Girl
A EXCLUSIVE! project powered by ILALIA. Team: Photographer: Virgil Hritcu, Hair: Florin Iordache, Concept: Iulia Albu, Make-up: MKA.